Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is that what you do, Chelsea? You go around sticking your fingers places just because there's a hole?

- NP, regarding the finger-rape of armpit via the hole in her sweater

"I do."
- MP, in out of nowhere response

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Smaller? I liked it huge.

- SS, with regard to type and (I can only assume) her preferences in general

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011


Amanda Borne's pants nickname has been revoked.

She is now and forever shall be known as:

Amanda "Secret Sauce" B.

That is all.

God, Amanda, you're such a slut. Giving multiple users access to your analytics.

- KIIYP, in response to an unsolicited email in Amanda's inbox

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ohhhhhh... Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhhhh!

- NP, in frustration at OpenOffice

"Why are you having an orgasm over there?!"
- KIIYP, in response

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I think they just got hot and sticky together...

...There wasn't any love involved."
- KIIYP, in response to NP

"They love each other."
- NP, regarding the three paintbrushes stuck together with rubber cement on the cutting table

'Quick and Dirty' is me on a daily basis.

- KIIYP, the assessment of her general state in comparison to the development of a website.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oh, you just need to sleep with him and get it over with...

- KIIYP, with regards to Lauren getting over her Darren Criss crush

"That's a 'Yes, ma'am.'"
- NP, in affirmative

No, I'm not gonna lie, there are a few headshots of him that are just... chewable.

- LD, about Darren Criss (who else?)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Yes, but do you do it with your wang out?

...Stephen does."
, asking NP how she reads emails from voiceover actresses

"You know it."
- Stephen, turning quickly and enforcing the point in his deepest voice

With your wang out?

- AP, in response to Stephen

"I just, like, hang out...'
- Stephen

Also, your lips look delicious.

- HP, general statement about NP.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I guess the guys in the back said, 'Yeah it looks like this girl can handle some seed.'

- NP, referring to the copious amount of sesame seeds on her hamburger bun, in comparison to the amount on KIIYP's hamburger bun - which was none.
(Apparently they realized she had enough)

I can take his V Card!

- KIIYP, regarding a link under a client's photograph on said client's website

-- 5 minutes later after laughter subsides --

"I feel like I'm not going to be pleased with the amount of cherries in this."  
- NP, about her cherry limeade

"Of course not, Lauren, I already took his."
- KIIYP, with regards to taking said client's VCard from said client's website

*VCard - a digital file containing a person's contact information to be inserted into one's email address book

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So I just need to grab all this and just play with it?


I'm gonna get to work and stop sitting here all unshowered and grabbin' on my tits.

- KIIYP, deciding to get to work

"You're my hero." - NP, in response

Lauren, trust me. I'm an expert at having things in my mouth.

- KIIYP, teaching NP how to get the sucker off the stick without breaking it

...and when I was down here like this *squats*... with naked model ass in my face.....

- NP, on when she realized the 'hey, girl, hey' skirt she was wearing probably wasn't the best idea

Do you have regular indentations from bra straps that support heavy, pendulous breasts?

- reading material from a client

I'm too busy coding PhP to button my shirt.

- HP, on his nature of being a sexy beast

*Note: PhP, pronounced "fffffp"

Tidy your yard. Cut the grass, rake the leaves, add new mulch, trim the bushes, edge the walkways, and clean the gutters. For added curb appeal, place a pot of bright flowers near the entryway.

- AP, explaining what every good boy should do to his yard

Myyyyyyyy milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!...

- AP, in a facebook status

"What if they're lactose intolerant?"
- HP, in a comment on said status

"Oh, snap."
- KIIYP, in a comment on said status

CMD=Spontaneous Nutsplosions. Fact.

- KIIYP, in response to HP's sending of an article titled "When Pistachio Nuts Explode" which he said reminded him of her

Put it all in your mouth and then spit it out.

 I'm sorry."

- NP

Amanda Borne, stop trying to turn me!

- HP, frustrated with AP's sexiness

My windshield wipers would not squirt this morning.

That's a euphemism. Chelsea, I have ED. And I've been too afraid to tell you."
- HP


- HP, at a four-way stop, in the creative office, you know, just... wherever.